HTC is looking at 2017 as a rebound year from its struggling mobile phone portfolio. HTC gained very little momentum in 2016 with some very underwhelming device releases.
HTC is the original Android manufacturer. It created the first Android headset in 2008, the HTC Dream or in America the T-Mobile G1. It was a huge hit and rightly so as it was the first device to tote Andy Rubin and Google's Android operating system.
Flash forward to HTC's current state and it is very bleak. Huge profit losses in 2015 and 2016 almost caused the Taiwanese company to declare for bankruptcy. 2016 was a marginally better year with the release of the HTC 10.
HTC 10 |
The HTC 10 was HTC's desperate attempt to gain momentum towards the end of 2016. It was hardly a success and the device was subpar at best. The software and hardware were great, but poorly executed. Jump into the beginning of 2017 and HTC is taking a different approach.
HTC U Ultra |
The HTC U Ultra is the phone that should have been released in 2016. It was actually meant to be and held up by production issues. This is the best executed HTC phone since early 2014. The all around experience is good, not great. If this is HTC's momentum builder, then a lot should be expected in 2017.
You can't talk about HTC without talking about it's huge success in VR (Virtual Reality). Not mobile phones, but in 2017 you will start seeing VR and mobile phones being closely integrated for the consumer. The HTC Vive is a stand alone unit, but has yielded great results thus far.
HTC Vive |
In 2017 I expect HTC to come back to the mobile phone scene strong. A new device that is set to be released any time, known has the HTC U 11. HTC is putting on its innovation cap again and adding something that has not been seen yet in a mobile phone. It will actually have a pressure sensitive phone body, if rumors are to be believed. I also think HTC will update its HTC Vive and add even more accessories to the device to continue its hype as VR becomes a focal point in 2017.